Against the Grain slashes through biotechnology’s
propaganda, revealing the science and politics behind
“transgenic” foods to show how biotech companies
increasingly engineer what you eat to be compatible
with their chemicals-but not necessarily good for human
health. Marc Lappe and Britt Bailey reveal how companies
like Monsanto, Dupont, Rhone-Poulenc and Dow have been feathering their own nests, introducing genes more to promote pesticides and build monopolies than to feed the world. In the words of the African delegation to the United Nations, “bio- technology companies have exploited the image of the poor and hungry to push a technology that is neither safe, environmen- tally friendly nor economically beneficial to us.”
Against the Grain will forever alter your walk down the super market isles. Fortunately, Lappe and Bailey are breaking the silence cloaking the massive changes being made to the world’s diet, giving consumers the information they need to decide for themselves.
Included: A three page summary of 160 page book by the same name.
“Marc Lappe and Britt Bailey provide an invaluable, scientifically-grounded
skepticism of a global experiment with the world’s food supply-an experiment
that places the profits of agribusiness before human and environmental needs.”
Sheldon Krimsky, Prof.. Dept./Urban & Environmental Policy, Tufts Univ.